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Saved States

Produce a saved-state of a simulation of either type

  • stable-threshold or
  • timed.

After a simulation has finished with a create-saved-state event, other simulations (with the same threedimodel) can use this saved-state as an initial condition.

Save state expiry

Saved states are a file resource and therefore have an expiry date. Please make sure that the saved-state has not expired when you use it as an initial condition

Stable Threshold💡

The simulation state will be saved when the flow velocity and/or water level has become stable

POST /simulations/{simulation_pk}/create-saved-states/stable-threshold/

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the saved state.
tags string Tags for the saved-state, see also simulation tags
variable string Either s1 or u1 for 'waterlevel' or 'flow velocity' respectively.
value int The threshold value for when to create the saved-state.


The simulation state will be saved after the simulation has run for a certain amount of time

POST /simulations/{simulation_pk}/create-saved-states/timed/

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the saved state.
tags string Tags for the saved-state, see also simulation tags.
time int Time in seconds in the simulation when the saved-state will be created.